Foto: Anette Hamre
This garden has seen better days, it was first set up in 1972, and not seen much TLC since then.
How to help the client with a maintenance low solution, and add considerable value to this property.
How could I reuse as much as possible, and add a colourful garden that would change with the seasons?
Oh hello, my new best friend Corten steel! Oh my, what a joy! This material checked all the client boxes, and it provided the project with long needed colour, warmth, lovely lines, and highlighted the space in a whole new way. The planting consists of a “butterfly garden” decked out in perennials that focuses on pollinators and butterflies of all shapes and colours. In addition a selection of plants that are anti slug/snail friendly for good housekeeping.
High praise is to be given to Breivik Maskin for excellent work and end finish, and Riska sveis AS for their work with the Corten steel, always a joy! Thank you.

Before we got stuck in!